ClimaTracker Investigations

Adapt, or die: How do people survive when there's no water in their taps and the dams are bone-dry? A multimedia investigation by Yolandi Groenewald and Johnny Miller...

President Jacob Zuma is talking tough about radical land redistribution and the expropriation of farms. If reform is not well targeted it may threaten food security and benefit only the...

The Northern Cape is mostly a dry province, but preventing malaria is one of the measures it is taking to adapt to climate change, reports Rehana Dada...

There has never been a more urgent time for Cape Town to adapt or die. Yolandi Groenewald investigates the measures city authorities are taking to survive the water woes...

Some farmers believe it is the wild rooibos plant that holds the secret to keeping climate change at bay, rather than its domesticated cousin. Yolandi Groenewald reports [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="740"]...

Traditional food crops that have adapted to climate change and poor soils hold the key to food security, but is enough being done to conserve them?...

In response to climate change farmers prefer livestock species that are heat and drought tolerant, as well as disease and parasite resistant, writes Kennedy Dzama [caption id="attachment_8452" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Nguni cattle are...

[caption id="attachment_3884" align="alignright" width="300"] A Swayimane small scale farmer with Umgeni Resilience Project officers[/caption] Small-scale farmers observe crop yield increases in a time of drought due to adaptation interventions Local farmers in the...

South Africa is one of the world's leading wine producers, 95% of it in the Western Cape. Yolandi Groenewald investigates the delicate tightrope wine farmers have to negotiate in adapting...