‘Greatest wildlife crime on the planet’ threatens multiple ecosystems
Millions of glass eels are smuggled out of Europe each year, and their looming extinction poses a serious ecological threat. #WildEye investigates...
Millions of glass eels are smuggled out of Europe each year, and their looming extinction poses a serious ecological threat. #WildEye investigates...
A year after joining Oxpeckers, Andiswa Matikinca was crowned regional winner of the prestigious Vodacom Young Journalist of the Year Award...
Limpopo’s flagship Musina-Makhado project is being developed in an arid region that includes national priority freshwater ecosystems. Andiswa Matikinca investigates ...
An apparently open-and-shut case of pangolin poaching and torture hit a brick wall when it got to court. Ed Stoddard investigates...
This story of an ancient species at risk is also the story of a proud people laid low by regulation. It shows that conservation is never simple, writes Marius Daea...
News of the arrest of Lucílio Matsinhe was received with shock because he is the son of a 'liberator of the homeland' and former minister of security. Nazira Suleimane reports...
Modern investigative techniques used to solve human crimes are now helping to catch wildlife poachers, smugglers and traffickers. Léa Surugue investigates...
Rangers on the ground say a tug of war among decision makers is exposing Mozambique’s largest national reserve to poachers and ivory traffickers. Estacio Valoi investigates...
Rising demand from consumers, local greed in a failing economy, weak controls and corrupt law enforcement are driving wild sturgeon in the Danube to extinction. By Denise Hruby...
From going cross-eyed cleaning datasets to freezing on the summit of the Drakensberg – Yuexuan Chen finds her groove in investigative environmental journalism...