Green energy innovations in the desert
Green hydrogen features in Namibian projects aimed at producing carbon-free steel and ammonia fuel for shipping and rail transport. John Grobler reports...
Green hydrogen features in Namibian projects aimed at producing carbon-free steel and ammonia fuel for shipping and rail transport. John Grobler reports...
John Grobler travels to the Daures Green Hydrogen Village pilot project in Namibia to find some answers...
Puros is the northern-most of three ‘hydrogen valleys’ identified in the Namibian government’s GH2 masterplan. John Grobler visited to find out why...
Namibia’s ambitious GH2 project poses threats to a sensitive biodiversity hotspot and local communities, critics say. John Grobler investigates...
Hyphen’s ambitious GH2 venture is flawed and opaque, according to local critics. John Grobler spoke to them...
Namibia’s over-burdened criminal justice system is struggling to keep up with rhino-poaching court cases. Is a special wildlife crime court the answer? John Grobler investigates...
Reconnaissance of ReconAfrica's proposed fracking site in Kavanga raised concerns about ecosystems, water and communal lands, writes John Grobler...
John Grobler investigates the overlap between abalone and rhino horn smuggling syndicates operating between South Africa, Namibia and Hong Kong...
Shooting hyenas to save wild horses raises heated debate about interventions between endemic wildlife and ‘feral’ animals. Linda Baker investigates...
How did 13 rhino bulls from the Kruger National Park end up on a hunting farm owned by a reclusive Russian billionaire in Namibia?...