Silent extinction: Zimbabwe’s hotbed of environmental crime
Poaching and illegal coal mining threaten the future of Matabeleland’s elephant population. Nokuthaba Mathema investigates ...
Poaching and illegal coal mining threaten the future of Matabeleland’s elephant population. Nokuthaba Mathema investigates ...
'Navara', the alleged leader of poaching syndicates preying on rhinos in the Kruger National Park, has been arrested. Estacio Valoi, who has been tracking him for years, reports...
Data shows intelligence operations have confiscated 160 live Temminck’s pangolins from the illegal trade in South Africa over the past five years, reports Calistus Bosaletswe...
The National Prosecuting Authority has revealed a list of charges against the duo for their involvement in the illegal rhino horn trade. Simon Bloch investigates...
The release of 83 rhino poachers from South African jails did not help the uphill battle faced by prosecutors dealing with environmental crimes in Mozambique, reports Estacio Valoi...
Namibia’s over-burdened criminal justice system is struggling to keep up with rhino-poaching court cases. Is a special wildlife crime court the answer? John Grobler investigates...
The real war on poaching happens in the courtroom – but the wheels of justice grind slowly in many rhino-related cases, writes Jacqueline Cochrane...
Oscar Nkala investigates how corrupt judicial processes in Zimbabwe are helping wildlife traffickers get off scot free...
Feiqian is the single biggest obstacle in investigating organised wildlife trafficking and related crimes, a year-long investigation by John Grobler established...
Outrage greeted the early release of notorious Thai trafficker Chumlong Lemtongthai, who used false South African hunting permits to launder rhino horns. Simon Bloch reports...