Business as usual for Hong Kong’s wildlife masterminds
Data investigation shows Hong Kong lacks the legal power to crack down on international criminal syndicates profiting off its wildlife trafficking routes. Hsiuwen Liu reports...
Data investigation shows Hong Kong lacks the legal power to crack down on international criminal syndicates profiting off its wildlife trafficking routes. Hsiuwen Liu reports...
Could illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam come back stronger after Covid-19? Trang Bui and Lam Quan spoke with traffickers and analysed 10 years’ worth of data to find out...
Captive tigers are big business in France. A new law to ban wild animals in circuses could change this – or end up driving the market underground. Guillaume Pajot investigates...
Botswana’s controversial Bo Chang donkey abattoir is back in business. It’s flouting the law and setting a dangerous precedent, reports Oscar Nkala...
Yuexuan Chen talks to qualified practitioners about wildlife treatments in traditional Chinese medicine, and the perceptions of Western media...
Environmental groups say a symbolic gesture would send a clear signal to the public that use of pangolin scales is no longer permitted. Alexis Kriel reports...
Oxpeckers associate Yuexuan Chen tells her story of Hubei, the Chinese province at the epicentre of the coronavirus crisis...
An apparently open-and-shut case of pangolin poaching and torture hit a brick wall when it got to court. Ed Stoddard investigates...
Use of pangolins for bushmeat and African traditional medicine is complicated by the growing, unsustainable demand for scales from Asia. Alexis Kriel investigates...
Feiqian is the single biggest obstacle in investigating organised wildlife trafficking and related crimes, a year-long investigation by John Grobler established...