Open doors: Official complicity in cross-border rhino horn poaching and smuggling
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
Incidents of wildlife snaring have rocketed in South Africa’s flagship national park in the past four years. What’s driving the surge, and how are conservationists facing up to it?...
'Navara', the alleged leader of poaching syndicates preying on rhinos in the Kruger National Park, has been arrested. Estacio Valoi, who has been tracking him for years, reports...
Data shows intelligence operations have confiscated 160 live Temminck’s pangolins from the illegal trade in South Africa over the past five years, reports Calistus Bosaletswe...
The release of 83 rhino poachers from South African jails did not help the uphill battle faced by prosecutors dealing with environmental crimes in Mozambique, reports Estacio Valoi...
The real war on poaching happens in the courtroom – but the wheels of justice grind slowly in many rhino-related cases, writes Jacqueline Cochrane...
Heated dispute erupts over SA’s biggest land settlement at MalaMala game reserve. What does it mean for community ecotourism around Kruger? See our multimedia investigation...
Game reserves are being developed along the Mozambique border to create a buffer zone against poaching. But displaced communities say it’s a land grab...
How did 13 rhino bulls from the Kruger National Park end up on a hunting farm owned by a reclusive Russian billionaire in Namibia?...
Understanding and dealing with tremors during veterinary treatment is essential to securing the species, reports Louise de Bruin...