Nepal’s courts in the dock over tiger crimes
Nepal’s laws on wildlife crime are relatively strict, but offenders tend to get away with lenient court sentences. Tufan Neupane investigates why...
Nepal’s laws on wildlife crime are relatively strict, but offenders tend to get away with lenient court sentences. Tufan Neupane investigates why...
Data investigation by Calistus Bosaletswe shows that over a 10-year period South Africa received most of the live lions and their products exported from Botswana...
Oscar Nkala investigates how corrupt judicial processes in Zimbabwe are helping wildlife traffickers get off scot free...
Manzolwandle Investments expresses confidence in proceeding with its proposed coal mine on the southern border of Kruger National Park. Andiswa Matikinca reports for Earth Focus...
Yuexuan Chen talks to qualified practitioners about wildlife treatments in traditional Chinese medicine, and the perceptions of Western media...
Using the Quarantine Act to prosecute a wildlife-smuggling syndicate gave the biggest verdict ever. Will it work in other trafficking cases? Rezza Aji Pratama investigates...
Cross-border donkey smugglers in Zimbabwe and Botswana are operating pipelines used for ivory, pangolins and Covid-19 contraband. Oscar Nkala investigates...
A recent #WildEye webinar saw journalists from across Asia discussing how best to cover wildlife trafficking in the region...
Recent arrests indicate the Zomi Revolutionary Army orders rhino horns that are smuggled via Myanmar to China. Sadiq Naqvi investigates...
What we do: Peer review by NiemanLab and the Global Investigative Journalism Network of Oxpeckers tools and investigations...