Author: Oxpeckers Reporters

The release of 83 rhino poachers from South African jails did not help the uphill battle faced by prosecutors dealing with environmental crimes in Mozambique, reports Estacio Valoi...

Captive tigers are big business in France. A new law to ban wild animals in circuses could change this – or end up driving the market underground. Guillaume Pajot investigates...

Lack of data about the tiger trade in Europe is stimulating illegal trafficking in this endangered species – and Italy and France are two major hotspots. Rudi Bressa investigates...

Botswana’s controversial Bo Chang donkey abattoir is back in business. It’s flouting the law and setting a dangerous precedent, reports Oscar Nkala...

Andiswa Matikinca investigates whether the sun is setting on the coal industry as major producers are pulling out and leaving their coal assets to be picked up by smaller companies ...

Reconnaissance of ReconAfrica's proposed fracking site in Kavanga raised concerns about ecosystems, water and communal lands, writes John Grobler...