Open doors: Official complicity in cross-border rhino horn poaching and smuggling
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
The National Prosecuting Authority has revealed a list of charges against the duo for their involvement in the illegal rhino horn trade. Simon Bloch investigates...
The release of 83 rhino poachers from South African jails did not help the uphill battle faced by prosecutors dealing with environmental crimes in Mozambique, reports Estacio Valoi...
Namibia’s over-burdened criminal justice system is struggling to keep up with rhino-poaching court cases. Is a special wildlife crime court the answer? John Grobler investigates...
The real war on poaching happens in the courtroom – but the wheels of justice grind slowly in many rhino-related cases, writes Jacqueline Cochrane...
Oscar Nkala investigates how corrupt judicial processes in Zimbabwe are helping wildlife traffickers get off scot free...
Recent arrests indicate the Zomi Revolutionary Army orders rhino horns that are smuggled via Myanmar to China. Sadiq Naqvi investigates...
Increased access to the Internet is facilitating rampant online wildlife trade in South Africa. Roxanne Joseph investigates why it is such an attractive marketplace...
The South African-based marketplace for online wildlife trade is Africa’s largest. Roxanne Joseph investigates where this cryptotrade is taking place...
How did 13 rhino bulls from the Kruger National Park end up on a hunting farm owned by a reclusive Russian billionaire in Namibia?...