Ways to kill a wetland
Opencast coal mining at Weltevreden pan in Mpumalanga will destroy important wetlands supporting agriculture and water birds. How did Exxaro get a licence – and is it legal? Franz Fuls...
Opencast coal mining at Weltevreden pan in Mpumalanga will destroy important wetlands supporting agriculture and water birds. How did Exxaro get a licence – and is it legal? Franz Fuls...
South African farmers are using cattle-rustling routes to smuggle wild lions out of Botswana to supply the demand for lion-bone potions in the Far East. Investigation by Fiona Macleod...
Transnational exposé: In his latest lion deal, agriculture minister Christian de Graaff exported a huge shipment of lions to a canned hunting outfit in South Africa. By Fiona Macleod, Charné...
Who are the Chinese citizens smuggling ivory out of Africa, and how are they doing it? Oxpeckers fellow Huang Hongxiang went to Mozambique to investigate...
Conservationists say blood money from ivory trafficking was used to fuel tensions in the run-up to elections in Mozambique. Estacio Valoi investigates...
Wan Ziming, head of China’s Management Authority at CITES, spoke to Hongqiao Liu about his concerns over opening trade in rhino horn ...
Rhino horn bangles a new fashion item? The global wildlife trade expert talks to Hongqiao Liu about China's growing appetite for horn, and what that means for the last rhinos...
Online selling of rhino horn products is booming. Most of the trading takes place in Fujian Province, reports Hongqiao Liu...
Rogue South African trophy hunters have been directly implicated in cross-border rhino poaching, according to reliable intelligence in 2013 ...