
With about 6,000 abandoned mines across South Africa, regulators are searching for answers to irresponsible mine closure. Mark Olalde reports...

Two years after SA’s most expensive land claim settlement was concluded, post-restitution arrangements for the MalaMala Game Reserve are taking shape. Who is really benefiting?...

[caption id="attachment_1275" align="alignleft" width="340"] Detector dogs can find even a tiny molecule of rhino horn. This dog and handler are part of the Endangered Wildlife Trust Rhino Project, which focuses...

The theft of 112 pieces of rhino horn from the conservation authority is the centre of high drama among senior parks officials, reports Sydney Masinga...

A community game reserve lost its first rhino to poachers this week. Franz Fuls reports that even this model of the green economy is vulnerable to poaching ...

Oxpeckers adviser Alejandro Nadal casts a seasoned economist's eye on debate about wildlife trade policy: “It needs to take into account the fact that markets do not behave in accordance...