Author: Oxpeckers Reporters

Why is a dusty town near Hwange National Park making international headlines for the poisoning of elephants? Oscar Nkala unravels the networks and modus operandi behind Dete’s infamy...

Anti-poaching resources in the Kruger National Park are being stretched by a rise in elephant slaughters. Yolandi Groenewald spoke to the park's chief ranger about the new threat...

#MineAlert is a citizen-focused, mobile and web-based resource that provides users with real-time and location-based alerts about mining & associated applications...

Zimbabwean parks employees allegedly managed to steal ivory from the Hwange stockpile since 2012 and export it to international trafficking syndicates. Oscar Nkala finds out how they operated...

Illegal fishing in Lake Ngami in the Okavango Delta is a threat to species and local livelihoods. It could spark cross-border conflict with Zambia and the DRC, reports Lawrence...

Deliberate poisoning of vultures by poachers is on the rise. If current trends continue, the Cape vulture will have declined by 98% in the next three generations, writes Louise de...

The sale of wildlife from South Africa to Angolan national parks sparked a row over the spread of non-indigenous species. It also raised renewed fears about Angola's critically endangered giant...

Montepuez ruby mine has been turned into a 'militarised zone' where villagers are beaten and illegal miners are killed, reports Estacio Valoi...

Oxpeckers Associate Shi Yi set out to investigate Chinese links in Namibia’s poaching crisis, and ended up in the middle of a sting operation that nabbed a former policeman...