Open doors: Official complicity in cross-border rhino horn poaching and smuggling
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
Daniel Stiles investigates organised transnational networks smuggling great apes from Africa via Nigeria...
Incidents of wildlife snaring have rocketed in South Africa’s flagship national park in the past four years. What’s driving the surge, and how are conservationists facing up to it?...
How we tracked the notorious Mozambican syndicate leader ‘Navara’ from 2013 until he ended up in jail in 2024. By Fiona Macleod & Estacio Valoi...
A Zimbabwe journalist working with Oxpeckers investigated how a Chinese mining company polluted local water sources. Anders Behrmann reports...
Poaching and illegal coal mining threaten the future of Matabeleland’s elephant population. Nokuthaba Mathema investigates ...
South Sudan has a Wildlife Act, but lacks the capacity to enforce the law effectively. Diing Magot and Denis Morris Mimbugbe investigate for #WildEye Eastern Africa...
Bushfires in Burundi’s protected areas are prohibited by law, but runaway infernos are threatening the reserves and contributing to climate change. Espoir Iradukunda investigates...
Ivory and other wild contraband seized by authorities is being returned to the black market in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Jonas Kiriko investigates why...
New guide will assist investigators, prosecutors and other law enforcers to address the challenges of lack of evidence in prosecuting wildlife crimes. Kelly Rwamapera reports...