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An undercover investigation exposes South Africa’s growing role in illicit transnational pangolin smuggling. Will the ban on trade by CITES make any difference? Special report by Hazel Friedman & Alexis...

Why did Swaziland submit a last-minute proposal asking CITES to approve an experimental ‘pilot project’ to sell its stockpiled rhino horns? What does this mean for the COP17 conference? Yolandi...

SADC report reveals how member states favour an anti-poaching strategy with far-reaching consequences for the independence of national judiciaries, writes Lawrence Seretse...

Respected wildlife veterinarian calculates there less than 3 000 white rhinos left in the Kruger. The figures will come under scrutiny in a High Court case, writes Louise de Bruin...

Oxpeckers partnered with the Barcode of Wildlife Project, a global programme building a DNA barcode reference library of threatened species vulnerable to illegal trade...