Open doors: Official complicity in cross-border rhino horn poaching and smuggling
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
An Oxpeckers reporter speaks to syndicate insiders about the role of corrupt law enforcement officials enabling cross-border illegal trade in rhino horns...
Daniel Stiles investigates organised transnational networks smuggling great apes from Africa via Nigeria...
A Portuguese eucalyptus forestry project is rapidly spreading harmful exotic species in Mozambique’s rural areas in order to supply Europe's packaging needs...
Oxpeckers tracked 14 GH2 projects in Namibia, finding implementation has been slow and the only real growth has been in bureaucracy. John Grobler investigates...
Journalist Neusa e Silva travelled to Soyo to discover the potential human and environmental costs of gas flaring on the ground...
Zimbabwean communities living around lithium mines have to put up with noise pollution, gas emissions, dust, flying-rock hazards and ground vibrations. Oscar Nkala investigates...
John Grobler takes stock of progress on Namibia’s ambitious green hydrogen programme...
Oscar Nkala travels to Hwange in north-western Zimbabwe to expose the environmental and health hazards caused by more than a century of coal mining...
Companies mining commodities needed for the global energy transition accused of keeping affected communities in Madagascar in the dark about their plans. Oscar Nkala investigates...
John Grobler takes an inside look at a green hydrogen project that has made the most visible progress of nine such projects currently under development in Namibia...